Thursday, January 15, 2009

Understanding How Google Uses PR in Their Algorithm

Many people building their web sites are concerned with PageRank, which is a number value that Google applies to online page content The value is higher as the website ages and or gains an authority status. While good content can and will help increase your PR, other things factor into the picture. In addition, links pointing to your content from other web sites will also help the GoogleBot understand that your site has value to others. This increases your sites value and over time the PR. 

A brand new web site starts out with zero PR. Over time it can reach a higher PR if the content is managed well and others think highly enough to link to that content. However, a high PR does not always mean high search results. A site with a zero PR can be positioned higher due to a variety of reasons, including the content being deemed more relevant. There may not always be a visible or viable reason as to why one site achieves a higher position in the search results.

Google no longer places as high a value on the PR of a site than it used it. It is still a factor, but there are many other important parts to consider in your quest to achieve a higher page position in the search engine results. Even though this is true, people are still trying to manipulate their PR using illegal techniques that will in time result in penalties or removal from Googles search results completely. 

PageRank is only one of 200 different components as to how any one page or website gains a search engine position for any particular keyword search. PageRank is still one of the more valuable components, yet it is not the only consideration. Google tries to understand the relevance of your sites content by taking into consideration all 200 components including what other people think of your sites content. 

One of the most important things you can do to build your sites PR is to provide relevant quality content. It is the springboard to a successful long-term search engine solution. 

Let’s consider two important parts that make up a valuable addition to the search engine results. 

1. Quality and relevance for your reader is the first consideration. However, it is also important to arrange your content in a way that the GoogleBot can understand it. This is where a good understanding of SEO comes in handy. People actually pay a monthly service fee to keep up with good SEO techniques. Yet, the fact is, Google does not hide any of their requirements. In fact, it’s all free. Just visit Google and you can learn just about anything you need to know to help increase your sites search engine results. 

2. Acquiring referral links or "back-links" from other sites that are related to your sites content is the second part. The best way to acquire back-links is by obtaining natural links pointing to a variety of pages within your site. Natural links are obtained when people include a link within content of their site that leads back to your site. 

The right way to achieve back-links is through good SEO habbits. Joining social networks, writing quality content and submitting it to article directories or sites with similar content will help you obtain natural quality links. 

An unnatural link would be one that is purchased for the sole purpose of gaining PR or a non-reciprocal links. One common practice to avoid is that of acquiring links from link farms. Link farms are formed using unnatural linking strategies. Buying hundreds of links to your site from link farms will result in your site getting penalized or worse, removed from Google. 

If you have the opportunity to read the webmasters guide from Google, take note of how they are working to stop the practice of PR and search engine results manipulation. Employ good webmaster techniques and offer relevant quality content to your readers. Using these methods will help your site gain a higher PR over time and the results will be long term and rewarding. 

At Redding Search Engine Optimizationwe strive to help other webmasters and business owners gain better visibility through Google approved SEO methods. This includes both onsite and offsite content management. Visit to learn how we can help your local business gain more visibility online.

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